Over US$10,000 Lost in Jewelry Stickup

Posted 6:45 AM by angkorsreykhmer in
Written by DAP NEWS
Tuesday, 01 September 2009

Two Cambodian jewelry vendors on Monday lost over US$ 10,000 in robbery, a local authority said. The main victim was identified as Ly Sam Oeun, 42.

“Around 7 o’clock, there was a case of robbery in front of Cambodian two jewelry vendors when as they left for Pochentong market near the airport,” the local authority added.

The victims live in Kakap commune, Dangkar district of Phnom Penh.

“We are usually leave home to market, but today, there were two suspicious people who drove a Honda Dream 125 moped stopped in front of us then they brought out two guns and threatened us … and they took over US$10,000 and suddenly drove away,” one of the victims complained.

There were no injuries in the case, the local authority said. Though the victims claimed to have lost over US$10,000, there has so far been little evidence presented to prove the scale of the robbery.

Jewelry robberies seem to be on the increase, though few of the perpetrators have yet been brought to justice.

“We will arrest them to convict soon,” the local police stressed. “Now we are finding the place where they are hidden.”

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